Find the best way to captivate a man psychologically and make him fall in love with you. Use these different seduction techniques to capture a guy's heart.
Captivating a man is to captivate his attention so much that he only thinks about you all day long. Ever wondered about having your guy’s full undivided attention? Before answering this, know that it is quite possible and not at all that difficult. Now, if your answer is yes, then here are some tricks you may like to use to captivate a man and win his heart. However, you will see that this is not something extraordinary or some deeply hidden secret once you glance below. The truth is you don’t need something special to captivate your man. All you need is what is mentioned below, so have a look before deciding one way or another.
Well, this is not for him but you. To successfully captivate your man, first, you need to build up enough confidence that you can do the following things. Building up confidence may take some time, but the good news is that it’s always a work-in-progress kind of deal. So you don’t have to wait around for your confidence to be up; instead, you need to try to act confident.
As I always say, “Fake it till you make it” this principle is best for building up confidence. Some ways to build trust are chatting with strangers, flirting, a better physique, and many others. The one thing common in all confidence-building exercises is that they ask you to step out of your comfort zone.
The most effective way to captivate a man or to get his attention is to work his senses. This means that no matter what he is doing, he should be thinking about you. Working his feelings works so well because you make him feel good through all his senses, which captivates his attention. After this, no matter what he does, he would start thinking about you whenever he uses these senses, sort of like flashbacks. Below, you will learn how to capture all the feelings of a man. Understand these seduction tricks and how you can control him to chase you. Once you understand the power of senses like looks, hearing, touches, smell, and taste, you can captivate any man.
The first and the most usable sense is what he sees, as you can use this from a distance as well. Men are very visual and so captivation their visual acuity is very easy. Here are some ways using which one could potentially captivate a man’s visual sense.
The first thing a man looks for in a woman is if she looks good or not. So, if you are the type of woman who doesn’t like to dress up or apply any makeup, then you might have to work on that. No, I am not suggesting that you wear branded clothes every day or something like that. What I mean is to put some effort into looking good. Like, wear properly pressed clothes, apply some make-up, comb your hair or apply some hairstyle, apply some nail polish. Use anything that shows that you take care of yourself. This way, you also end up getting some attention from him.
As I mentioned before, men are very visual so showing off some skin is like playing on their weakness to get a better hold on them. This in no way means that you have to over-expose yourself. When using this technique, if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t do it because it won’t work. This means having a bit of cleavage or wearing a skirt to show some legs and other similar kinds of tricks. However, never go overboard when using this technique as it can send the wrong message as well.
signs he secretly likes
Body language should always work in your favor if you understand the signs that he secretly likes you, but it won’t if you don’t know how to use it. The difference between being captivating or being repulsive for a man lies in your body language. So, when trying to attract a man, send positive body language signals. For example, you can use signals like crossed legs with the free leg in his direction, playing or fiddling with your hair, making eye contact, and smiling. This all signals a man that you are interested. However, when you sit with your arms crossed over your chest or look upset, it says that you are frustrated and not currently interested. Therefore you need to look into what kind of signals you are sending through your body language.
Your fragrance is an exclusive thing and so using it to captivate a man is that effective. You don’t have to do anything special except take a regular bath and apply some deodorant or perfume. This gives you a desirable odor that will automatically be captivating for your man.
Communication is always the key in every relationship, especially if you are trying to captivate the guy. Everyone knows that looks may fade with time, but a good sense of humor will grow forever. Just know that no man will stay with you long term if your relationship is based on looks only. So if you want to captivate a man permanently, you need to delight this sense properly.
A person with a good sense of humor is very refreshing after a hard day of work. Everyone needs a person with a sense of humor to relax and enjoy with this person. Another thing is a person with a good sense of humor is addicting because others can chill and relax with this person. So if you think you don’t have that great sense of humor, then it’s not a problem as it can be developed over time. Just start talking to people freely and learn to take a joke even if it comes at your expense at times.
Flirting is the best thing about this captivating process. If you want to captivate your man, you need to start flirting with him, beginning with mild flirting then taking it to a sexy place. Don’t just stop flirt with others, but not the sexy one, only the friendly one. This way, you will get your man a bit jealous, and you will get to know if the process is working or not. On the other hand, a little bit of jealousy is always good for your relationship. If your man says he doesn’t like when you flirt with others, then you should at least tone it down a little.
The thing with touch is that it makes everything that much more personal. Like women, men too have soft spots. If touched, then they are quickly captivated. However, we are not learning about those sweet spots right now. Instead, we are talking about the physical barrier in general and how you can use it to captivate a man. So, if you want a man to do whatever you wish, then physical touch is your answer, but this only works before you do the deed (sex). Pre deed touch is how you will let him know whether or not you like what he is doing. Secondly, holding hands or having a dance or even a mere chance of touching you will get him so excited. Here captivating him would be like fish in a barrel. Again I remind you this is before the deed.
This is where you can take it literally, or you can take it metaphorically. By extended version, I mean that you should give him a taste of how much hanging out or dating you would be. On the other hand, I mean some activities that may include food and deed by the literal version. Like for example, just exotically eating a chocolate-covered strawberry might turn him on and could be your captivating moment as well.
Another thing that you can do to give him a taste which is the combination of both the symbolic and the literal version. A variety is where you enjoy going out, trying new menus, and making new memories. This way, he will never forget you when he is eating that particular dish. This could help you captivate him as it is said frequently that the way to men’s heart is through his stomach.
That’s the thing, in all this pressure of wanting the guy to like you or wanting to captivate him, don’t ever forget who you are. First, life is short, so you need to do stuff that you won’t normally do to get what you usually do. Second, life is short, so you need to live your life for yourself and not please others.
In short, the two things are challenging yourself and stopping being a people pleaser. They are because challenging yourself would put you out there and out of your comfort zone. This, in turn, would give you confidence and make you an independent woman. And the reason behind the second one that is to stop being a people pleaser is that if you don’t stop being a people pleaser, there will be no place for them to please you. So hence, again, I say capture his senses to capture his heart and live a happy life.