After a breakup, if you want some steps to make your ex miss you without talking, then follow these tips, and they will start cutting you like crazy.
No matter who broke up the relationship, there are few best tricks that you can learn to make your ex miss you like crazy. First, think about why do you want to make them miss you. Is it because you still love your partner and want them back, or do you want to take revenge. If you want to revenge your ex, this is not the place for you; these tips are only for the loving couples who got separated because of some issues.
Making your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend miss you and getting him back is very easy, but the hard part is to retain them back in life. Unfortunately, you had a breakup once, and there is no guarantee that you will not break up again. But no problem, here are the tips that can help you be back with your ex permanently.
My name is Daniel, and I am a relationship and dating consultant. I have helped many guys and girls to win the heart of the person they love. Also, I have united many couples after separation. The first part of winning your ex heart again is by making them miss you. The more your ex thinks about you, the more are the chances of being with them again. After following this step-by-step plan properly, I guarantee you that there is a great chance (not 100%) to make your ex miss you and be back with you.
This is the most widespread strategy used by relationship consultants to make your ex think about you. Usually, in any case, we recommend a person stay away from the ex-boyfriend or girlfriend for a minimum of 3-6 weeks. Experts have given a name to this rule: the contact ban in which you avoid contacting the ex after your breakup for a period of three weeks to one month or more. If you get them after separation, this will indicate that you are missing them a lot, making you look needy and desperate.
If you want to know how to make your ex miss, you then avoid contacting him for at least a month. In this period, you are going to miss your ex a lot, but control your feelings. They will miss you like crazy, but the only thing here is you have to act like you have no effect of the breakup and you are happy.
After avoiding him for the first two weeks, your ex will get crazy thinking about why you haven’t still contacted. Then, after two more weeks, you are going to run all over your ex's mind, and he will miss you a lot. This is actually how this strategy works for getting back with your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.
For the first few weeks, remember not to call or text him, and in this period, if they call or message, you ignore it. If you seriously want your ex to miss you, then be unavailable and ignore them. Banning contact with your ex will make him feel that you are not a doormat and easy to get. After you patch up again and give your ex a second chance, this will make him or herself think a thousand times before a breakup with you again.
After the separation, you are under emotional and mental stress, but you should avoid posting all this stuff on Facebook and other social networks. Not only social networks, but you should also not tell your friends that you are missing him/them. If you have friends that you can trust, you can share with them, but never share your feelings with mutual friends because there is a great chance they will spread it to your ex.
More accurately, let the social media world know how happy you are. You should not post statuses about how upset you are; you should post social media statuses about being happy.
It would help if you acted like there was no impact of breakup on you. You used to be happy with your ex, and you are still satisfied. Having fun with friends and posting these pictures on Instagram and Facebook is a great way to show your ex and friends that you are still happy. But remember a few things that you should not post, such as “Happy to be single again,” “Feeling better after the breakup,” or any status where you are including your relationship. Just share the present fun with friends that have nothing to relate with your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.
Buy some new clothes, give your hair a unique style, and go out for dinners, parties, movies, or shopping. A new hairstyle will make you look different, and let your ex see this by posting few images on Facebook. The main plan is to make your ex miss you, and maybe you want to be with them again. So live your life and enjoy every moment having fun with whatever you like.
It has been a month, and you both have been missing each other like hell, and now after ignoring him for four weeks, the time has come to contact him. The first conversation should start with a simple memory of when you both were together. Like, say,” Hey, what’s up? And share the memory”. Memory can be anything like a movie you had watched, a song your ex likes, or food or place you both liked. So you can text him saying that I saw the movie XYZ, and it just made me think about you. This is a great kick-starter for raking him back to the happy memories. Just one thing you should avoid is, don’t let the breakup topic come into the conversation.
After this, you can dig into your very best memories in which you had fun. Anything like if you had gone to a restaurant say that “I liked a particular dish at XYZ restaurant where we had gone, I tried the same dish at another place, but it was not even comparable to it.” You have to take him back deep into the time when you were happy with each other.
If your ex asks you to meet tomorrow or the same day or weekend, then tell them that you already have plans for the day, and maybe I will let you know when I am free. Let him wait for a week and then go out with him. In this one week, all the memories that you spend together will be running in their mind, and this will make your ex miss you more. It depends on whether you want to meet him again or not; if you are still not ready, then take some more time. Read our guide on how to act when you do finally see your ex.
This course was created by some of the most popular dating and relationship consultants around the world. The success rate from this course is very high, and it has helped many couples reunite after separation. In this tutorial, you will learn the advanced ways by which you can make your ex miss you get back to you.